Western Light Photography


Hand Crafted by Stephen Jay Lunsford

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**Another Day Not Wasted:  This is a beautifully illustrated and written book by Guy Tal;  truly meditations on photography, art, and wilderness.  It is unequivocally non-technical and instead focuses on his contemplations, experiences and rewards of living a creative life.  This book will challenge your very concepts and philosophy concerning your creative vision, no matter your chosen medium.  Put this book on your book shelf!

Zen Camera:  The beautifully illustrated and written book by David Ulrich gets real about what it takes to master the art of photography.  This is not a technical manual concerning the craft of photography.  It is a manual on learning to "see" -- to truly "see" before clicking the shutter.  If this book is not on your bookself, then may I suggest you purchase this book in hard cover because you'll read and reread this book for years.

The Widening Stream;  The Seven Stages of Creativity:  A thoughtful and inspirational book by David Ulrich on creativity.  This book is not specifically directed to photographers, but to all artists working in all mediums.  Very thought provoking.

Photography as Meditation:  Explores an approach to artistic photography based on Japanese Zen-Philosophy. Meditation and photography have much in common: both are based in the present moment, both require complete focus, and both are most successful when the mind is free from distracting thoughts.

The Zen of Creativity:  American Zen master John Daido Loori presents a book that taps the principles of the Zen arts and aesthetic as a means to unlock creativity and find freedom in the various dimensions of our existence. Loori dissolves the barriers between art and spirituality, opening up the possibility of meeting life with spontaneity, grace, and peace.

The Practice of Contemplative Photography: Seeing the World with Fresh Eyes:  This book takes a "mindfulness" approach to photography. It's more about how one actually "sees" -- to fully connect with the visual richness of our ordinary, daily experience, than the mechanics of taking a photograph. Photography is not just a mechanical process; it requires learning how to see. As you develop your ability to look and see, you will open, more and more, to the natural inspiration of your surroundings.

Little Book of Contemplative Photography: Seeing With Wonder, Respect And Humility:  Howard Zehr begins his latest book with a confession -- "I have written this book in part to encourage myself to slow down, to heighten my imagination, to renew myself while I gain a new view of the creation and the creator.".  With this book, Zehr makes a gift to anyone who would like to couple photography with seeing and thinking more deeply with a camera in order to "practice mindfulness".